Monday, August 23, 2010


A man was sleeping one night in his cabin when suddenly the room filled with light,and God appeared.The Lord told the man He had work for Him to do, and showed him a large rock in front of his cabin. The Lord explained that the man was to 'Push' against the rock with all his might....

So, this man did, day after day.For many years he toiled from sun up to sundown, his shoulders set squarely against the cold,massive surface of the unmoving rock,pushing with all his might!

Each night the man returned to his cabin sore and worn out, feeling that his whole day had been spent in vain. Since the man was showing discouragement, the adversary (Satan) decided to enter the picture by placing thoughts into the weary mind : (He will do it every time)!

"You have been pushing against the rock for a long time and it hasn't moved".Thus,he gave the man the impression the the task was impossible and that he was a failure. These thoughts discouraged and disheartened him.

Satan said,"Why kill yourself over this?Just put in your time,giving just the minimum effort; and that will be good enough".That's what the weary man planned to do,but decided to make it a matter of Prayer and to take his troubled thoughts to the Lord.

"Lord,"he said,"I have laboured long and hard in Your Service,putting all my strength to do that which You have asked. Yet, after all this time, I have not even budged that rock by half a millimeter.What is wrong? Why am I failing?"

The Lord responded compassionately,"My child,when I asked you to serve Me and you accepted, I told you that your task was to push against the rock with all of your strength, which you have done.

Never once did I mention to you that I expected you to move it. Your task was to Push.Now you come to Me with your strength spent,thinking that you have failed....

But, is that really so? Look at yourself. Your arms are strong and muscled, your back is massive and brown;you hands are callused and your legs have become massive and hard.

Through opposition you have grown much, and your abilities now surpass that which you used to have. True, you haven't moved the rock. But your calling was to be Obedient and to Push and to exercise your Faith and Trust in My Wisdom,that you have done. Now my child,I will move the rock".

At times,when we hear a word from God,we tend to use our own intellect to decipher what He wants,when actually what God wants obedience and faith in Him.

By all means,exercise the Faith that moves mountains, but know that it is still God Who moves the Mountain.

When everything seems to go wrong...............................................Just P.U.S.H.

When the job gets you down............................................................Just P.U.S.H.

When people don't so as you think they should .............................Just P.U.S.H.

When your money is 'gone' and the bills are due ...........................Just P.U.S.H.

When people don't understand you.................................................Just P.U.S.H.

P = Pray
U = Until
S = Something
H = Happens


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sleeping Disorder & Insomnia

Why Can't We Sleep?

Staring at the clock's blinking red lights, tossing and turning until the sheets are tied in knots — some 40 million Americans are all too familiar with what a chronic sleep disorder feels like. In a quest to understand her own insomnia, journalist Patricia Morrisroe traveled from Las Vegas to north of the Arctic Circle and chronicled what she found in a new book, Wide Awake. Morrisroe talked to TIME about how sleep has evolved, how ancient Greeks went to sleep and why we need our z's.

So what happens to the body when it doesn't get enough sleep?
It depends on the amount of sleep you're getting. Researchers talk about impaired concentration and memory. Of the people who have gone on these long sleep-deprivation jags, one became a drifter and lost his wife and job. Another person [who set the Guinness World Record for sleep deprivation in 1965 with 264 hours, or more than 11 days awake] seemed to do quite well.

You say it's difficult to understand how sleep has evolved. What are some theories about why people sleep?
There's no "sleep bone" that people have been able to locate or find. So ultimately we don't know how people used to sleep.How many hours did people sleep then? How many hours are we sleeping now? Is it far fewer hours? That type of thing is hard to track.
A lot of people tend to wake up during the night. Every 90 minutes or so you'll sort of wake up as you go into another cycle. Insomnia patients may remember that they're waking up a lot longer. Or somebody may just feel unrefreshed.

In the '50s, sleep was in the domain of psychiatry. The first sleep labs were really dream labs. And then in the '60s, they seized on the topic of insomnia. But insomnia has always been a vague complaint, so ultimately sleep medicine couldn't get its hands around it. With the discovery of narcolepsy, sleep at least had a disease to call its own. And yet it affects such a small percentage of people that it really wasn't able to give any prominence to the field. The invention of the CPAP machine [used for the treatment of sleep apnea] in 1981 really put sleep medicine on the map.

Penning-off: (~_*)

Brain Waves

How Our Brains Make Us Light or Heavy Sleepers?

How many times do you wake during the night? Do the slightest disturbances — the sound of a toilet flushing, say, or the TV in the next room — rouse you from sleep, while your partner slumbers soundly through a thunderstorm?

It turns out that some people's brains are better than others' at blocking the constant incoming flow of environmental stimuli during sleep, and in a new study, scientists have identified and measured the process. They hope that one day they will be able to manipulate this ability in order to give lighter sleepers a better night's rest.

Ambient sound is the most common cause of sleep interruption, since even during sleep, the brain must actively receive sensory information. But as it continually monitors stimuli from the environment in order to protect against threats, the brain also actively blockades them to allow body and mind to recharge and rest during sleep.

"The name of the game in sleep is stacking the cards in your favor, and one of those cards is having a quiet environment."When it's not quiet, we need to figure out how to block that sound from getting the brain to cause you to wake. And hopefully brain-based solutions will one day be an option for protecting sleepers from losing sleep every night."